Depression Sucks
I decided to do a search today for "Depression Sucks". I have to somewhat giggle, because as we are all bitching about depression it's easy to say, "Of course Depression Sucks!" I mean, it's depression. It's not like it's going to be a delightful thing.
I have found a couple of good reads today with people sharing similar feelings about the monster within.
The gal at the above link took the words right out of my mouth! I have posted her link below as well as another gal's who is having trouble with her medication and has to try some other concoction. You can find the links at the bottom of the page. I will add more as I find them.
I was once against medication and was determined to not have to live my life popping some pill every single day. But after having my kiddos, the depression got worse as in Postpartum. After my first kiddo, I tried to stop popping those pills, but I felt the monster getting worse and stronger. And when I became pregnant again, I thought I should stop popping those little "happy faced" pills (stupid ads for Zoloft with the happy little faces enjoying life) but my OBGYN said that it wouldn't interfere with my pregnancy and to not stop because it would only get worse. And it did get worse. A LOT worse!
I increase and decrease my Zoloft all of the time. It's like I can feel the changes in my monster and know how to help. My neurologist was pleased that I took that initiative. I pop another pill that helps for migraine prevention. I have Cervical Dystonia (pains in my freakin' neck and HUGE knots) but the pills don't seem to really help. Luckily, I can pop another pill (Zomig) when I have a migraine and at the moment, it still helps. I also started doing rounds of Botox injections in my neck, but don't know if that is successful or not just yet. Any who, I do know that I need to pop pills for my depression. If I didn't, I'm sure I would be locked away.
I'll talk more about how my monster feels on another day. I don't feel like visiting it right now. Hope I've helped you in some way.
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